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Video on monitoring (a single instance) DataGuard Standby for a RAC (2-node) Cluster

Hemant K Chitale - Wed, 2024-05-01 04:03

 I've just uploaded a new video on monitoring DataGuard where the Standby is a Single Instance environment for a 2-node RAC Cluster.

The script used in the demo are in this ZIP  (script files with extension TXT)

Categories: DBA Blogs

CPU Utilization

Tom Kyte - Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
Hi Tom, We run a multi-user OLTP system on Exadata Quarter Rack (Linux version). Though the system response time is consistent and is performing well. We observed Run queues with CPU utilization at 70% on both the nodes. What could be the reason? My understanding always has been that Run queues are formed only if the system utilization exceeds 100%. But in this case CPU on both the nodes is 65% utilized and 30% is free. But may be my understanding is flawed. Could you pls explain the concept of cpu utilization, run queues vis-avis cpu count, specially in OLTP workload?
Categories: DBA Blogs

Receiving Webhook Events from Stripe Payment Processing

Tom Kyte - Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
Here is my challenge. I am developing an application that receives webhook notifications when events occur. I have successfully used the restful services functionality in Apex (SQL Workshop>Restful Services) to retrieve data at the first (root?) level successfully. From the "request" sent from stripe below I can use paramters to retrieve the id, object, api_version, created, etc. but fail to retrieve the data.object.id or anything nested at a lower level. (apologies if I am using wrong descriptors here). I have tried two approaches unsuccessfully: 1) a number of ways to identify the field as a parameter in the handler without success 2) retrieve the full json payload using :body, :body_text, :payload, :json_payload, etc. Any guidance on how I could identify specific fields lower in the hierarchy (example: the data.object.id with value "cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E" below) as a parameter? Or, any guidance on how I could grab the full json payload? Any guidance is appreciated. Dwain { "id": "evt_1Oq4mjJ861pVT3w2L6jYiwce", "object": "event", "api_version": "2018-02-28", "created": 1709432897, "data": { "object": { "id": "cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E", "object": "customer", "account_balance": 0, "address": null, "balance": 0, "created": 1709432896, "currency": null, "default_currency": null, "default_source": null, "delinquent": false, "description": null, "discount": null, "email": "mike@dc.com", "invoice_prefix": "2420987A", "invoice_settings": { "custom_fields": null, "default_payment_method": null, "footer": null, "rendering_options": null }, "livemode": false, "metadata": { }, "name": "mike", "next_invoice_sequence": 1, "phone": null, "preferred_locales": [ ], "shipping": null, "sources": { "object": "list", "data": [ ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/customers/cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E/sources" }, "subscriptions": { "object": "list", "data": [ ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/customers/cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E/subscriptions" }, "tax_exempt": "none", "tax_ids": { "object": "list", "data": [ ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/customers/cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E/tax_ids" }, "tax_info": null, "tax_info_verification": null, "test_clock": null } }, "livemode": false, "pending_webhooks": 1, "request": { "id": "req_KtKtxAnXwioenZ", "idempotency_key": "7263ed4a-0295-4a4e-a0b8-d7d3bf7f03b3" }, "type": "customer.created" }
Categories: DBA Blogs

Read consistency accross cursors in one procedure

Tom Kyte - Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
I am looking for read consistency across multiple cursors in a packaged procedure. In the past I have opened the cursors that I wanted to be consistent at the start of the procedure, used them, and closed them at the end. I am starting to think that the time the first cursor takes to open, and resolve it's result set is making the subsequent cursor inconsistent, although this seems to have worked 99% of the time. Example: DECLARE CURSOR Cur1 IS SELECT SUM(X) FROM A WHERE SummaryFlag = 'N'; CURSOR Cur2 IS SELECT ROWID FROM A WHERE SummaryFlag = 'N'; BEGIN OPEN Cur1; OPEN Cur2; . FOR Rows IN Cur1 UPDATE ASummary . . FOR Rows IN Cur2 UPDATE A SET SummaryFlag = 'Y' WHERE RowId = Cur2.ROWID; I have had a few occasions where the summary table does not contain the information that has now been flagged as summarized. Does opening the cursors one right after the other guarantee a consistent result set, and if not why? Will using "ALTER TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE" fix this? How can I set my ISOLATION LEVEL and ROLLBACK segment at the same time? Thanks in advance.
Categories: DBA Blogs

why view's trigger disappear?

Tom Kyte - Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
Got information from your archives, BUT solution is not provided or there's no solution??? Archive : "Why the trigger disappears... May 28, 2003 Reviewer: Kamal Kishore from New Jersey, USA " Hi Tom, After you re-create the view definition using CREATE OR REPLACE (maybe to change its condition), the trigger on the view disappears. Is this expected behaviour? SQL> create or replace view emp_view 2 as 3 select * from emp 4 SQL> / View created. SQL> create or replace trigger trig_emp_view 2 instead of insert or update on emp_view 3 for each row 4 begin 5 Null ; 6 end ; 7 / Trigger created. SQL> show errors No errors. SQL> select ut.trigger_name, ut.table_owner, ut.table_name 2 from user_triggers ut where trigger_name = 'TRIG_EMP_VIEW' 3 / TRIGGER_NAME TABLE_OWNER TABLE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TRIG_EMP_VIEW KKISHORE EMP_VIEW 1 row selected. SQL> create or replace view emp_view 2 as 3 select * from emp 4 / View created. SQL> select ut.trigger_name, ut.table_owner, ut.table_name 2 from user_triggers ut where trigger_name = 'TRIG_EMP_VIEW' 3 / no rows selected Followup: the "or replace" is replacing the view and all related things. the create or replace preserves grants -- not the triggers. it is a "new view" ====>> so what should I do if i have view's with instead of triggers became invalid? what syntax can I use to alter the view without my trigger disappearing? if "create or replace" cannot be used, what syntax can i used?
Categories: DBA Blogs

Why is json_array_t using 0-based indexing

Tom Kyte - Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
It took me 25 years to get used to Oracle using 1-based indexing in pretty much all API's. How the rather new json_array_t data structure used a 0-based indexing and drives me crazy. Is there any reason behind this "strange anomaly" or did someone just want to drive people crazy? The following example only returns 2 and 3 because it must be written "FOR i IN 0 .. c_json.get_size() - 1 LOOP ": <code> DECLARE c_json CONSTANT json_array_t := json_array_t('[1, 2, 3]'); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. c_json.get_size() LOOP dbms_output.put_line(c_json.get_number(i)); END LOOP; END; / </code>
Categories: DBA Blogs

Converting column number values into array number values in SQL

Tom Kyte - Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
I have a table like below. <code>create table t2 ( id varchar2(1),val number) ; insert into t2 values ('a',1); insert into t2 values ('a',2); insert into t2 values ('a',3); insert into t2 values ('a',4); insert into t2 values ('b',1); insert into t2 values ('b',2); insert into t2 values ('b',3); insert into t2 values ('c',1); insert into t2 values ('c',2); insert into t2 values ('c',4); insert into t2 values ('d',1); insert into t2 values ('d',2);</code> we have to print o/p like below. <code>id x --- ------- a 1,2,3,4 b 1,2,3 c 1,2,4 d 1,2</code> this can achieve by below query <code>select id,LISTAGG(val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val ) as x from t2 group by id</code> Here x column is character datatype .But i need to convert this to varray of number / nested table of number ( not varray/nestedtable of character ). i tried like below <code>CREATE TYPE varchar_TT AS TABLE OF varchar(10); with z as ( select id,varchar_TT(LISTAGG(val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val)) as x ,varchar_TT('1,2') y from t2 group by id ) select id , x ,y from z ; o/p ---- id x y ---- ------------- --------------- a C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2,3,4')</b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') b C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2,3') </b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') c C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2,4') </b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') d C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2') </b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2')</code> if i add below condition , i am not getting any result . <b>where y member of x ;</b> so i tried to convert to number array . <code>CREATE TYPE number_TT AS TABLE OF number; with z as ( select id,number_TT(LISTAGG(val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val)) as x ,number_TT(1,2) y from t2 group by id ) select id , x ,y from z ; ORA-01722: invalid number 01722. 00000 - "invalid number" *Cause: The specified number was invalid. *Action: Specify a valid number.</code> 1 ) Here i need o/p like below to use <b><u>member</u></b> and <b><u>submultiset</u></b> conditions. <code>o/p ---- id x y ---- ------------- --------------- a C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2,3,4) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) b C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2,3) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) c C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2,4) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) d C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) select varchar_tt('1,2') x ,number_TT(1,2) y from dual; x y -------------------- ---------------- C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2)</code> Please let me know how to convert character array to number array . 2) <code>create table t4 ( id VARCHAR2(1) , val number_tt ) NESTED TABLE val STORE AS val_2 ;</code> How to insert into t4 table from t2 ? expected o/p query of t4 table should be like...
Categories: DBA Blogs

Enabling Cursor Sharing in PeopleSoft Processes

David Kurtz - Mon, 2024-04-29 07:26

One of the challenges that PeopleSoft gives to an Oracle database is that many processes dynamically generate many SQL statements.  They usually have different literal values each time, some may also reference different non-shared instances of temporary records.  Each statement must be fully parsed by the Oracle statements.  That consumes CPU and takes time.  Oracle has already recommended using bind variables instead of literal values for that reason.  

Reusing AE Statements

It would generally be better if the SQL used bind variables rather than literal values.  In Application Engine, one option is to set the ReUseStatement attribute on the steps in question.  Then bind variables in Application Engine remain bind variables in the SQL and are not converted to literals.  This can reduce parse time (see Minimising Parse Time in Application Engine with ReUseStatement). However, this attribute is not set by default.  This is partly for legacy PeopleTools reasons, and partly due to the pitfalls discussed below.  Over the years, Oracle has got much better at setting this attribute where possible in delivered PeopleSoft application code.  There are still many places where it could still be added.  However, there are some considerations before we add it ourselves.

  • When a customer sets the ReUseStatement attribute in the delivered code, it is a customisation that has to be migrated using Application Designer.  It has to be maintained to ensure that subsequent releases and patches do not revert it.
  • ReUseStatement cannot be introduced across the board, but only on steps that meet certain criteria.  It doesn't work when dynamic code is generated with %BIND(…,NOQUOTES), or if a %BIND() is used in a SELECT clause.  Worse, setting this attribute when it should not be can cause the application to function incorrectly.  So each change has to be tested carefully.

Cursor Sharing

If you can't remove the literal values in the SQL code, then another option is to introduce cursor sharing in Oracle.  Essentially, all literals are converted to bind variables before the SQL is parsed, and thus statements that only differ in the literal values can be treated as the same statement.  If the statement is still in the shared pool, then it is not fully reparsed and uses the same execution plan.

Oracle cautions against using cursor sharing as a long-term fix: "The best practice is to write sharable SQL and use the default of EXACT for CURSOR_SHARING… FORCE is not meant to be a permanent development solution."

I realise that I am now about to suggest doing exactly that, but only for specific processes, and never for the whole database.  I have tested enabling cursor sharing at database level a few times and have never had a good experience.

Session Settings for Processes Executed on the Process Scheduler 

It is easy to set a session setting for a specific process run on the PeopleSoft process scheduler.   The first thing a process does is to set the status of its own request record to 7, indicating that it is processing.  

A trigger can be created on this transition that will then be executed in the session of the process.  I initially developed this technique to set other session settings for nVision reports.  I introduced a database table to hold a list of the settings, and the trigger matches this metadata to the processes being run by up for 4 attributes: process type, process name, operation and run control.

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sysadm.set_prcs_sess_parm
BEFORE UPDATE OF runstatus ON sysadm.psprcsrqst
FOLLOWS sysadm.psftapi_store_prcsinstance 
WHEN (new.runstatus = 7 AND old.runstatus != 7 AND new.prcstype != 'PSJob')
  l_cmd VARCHAR2(100 CHAR);
  FOR i IN (
    WITH x as (
      SELECT p.*
      ,      row_number() over (partition by param_name 
             order by NULLIF(prcstype, ' ') nulls last, NULLIF(prcsname, ' ') nulls last, 
                      NULLIF(oprid   , ' ') nulls last, NULLIF(runcntlid,' ') nulls last) priority
      FROM   sysadm.PS_PRCS_SESS_PARM p
      WHERE  (p.prcstype  = :new.prcstype  OR p.prcstype  = ' ')
      AND    (p.prcsname  = :new.prcsname  OR p.prcsname  = ' ')
      AND    (p.oprid     = :new.oprid     OR p.oprid     = ' ')
      AND    (p.runcntlid = :new.runcntlid OR p.runcntlid = ' ')) 
    SELECT * FROM x WHERE priority = 1 
  ) LOOP
    IF NULLIF(i.parmvalue,' ') IS NOT NULL THEN
      l_cmd := 'ALTER SESSION '||i.keyword||' '||l_delim||i.param_name||l_delim||l_op||i.parmvalue;
    END IF;

The first delivered program that was a candidate for cursor sharing was GLPOCONS (GL Consolidations process).  All that is necessary is to insert the relevant metadata, and it will apply the next time the process starts.  Anything you can set with an ALTER SESSION command can be put in the metadata.  At times, other settings have been defined, hence the insert statement is written in this way.

INSERT INTO sysadm.ps_prcs_sess_parm (prcstype, prcsname, oprid, runcntlid, keyword, param_name, parmvalue)
with x as (
          select 'inmemory_query' param_name, 'SET' keyword, 'DISABLE' parmvalue from dual --Disable inmemory 
union all select 'cursor_sharing'           , 'SET' keyword, 'FORCE'             from dual --to mitigate excessive parse
), y as (
  select  prcstype, prcsname, ' ' oprid, ' ' runcntlid
  from	  ps_prcsdefn
  where   prcsname IN('GLPOCONS')
select  y.prcstype, y.prcsname, y.oprid, y.runcntlid, x.keyword, x.param_name, x.parmvalue
from    x,y

Cursor Sharing in Stand-Alone Application Engine Programs

In PeopleSoft, some Application Engine programs are executed by other programs.  For example, the General Ledger Revaluation process (FSPCCURR) and (GLPOCONS), will directly invoke the Journal Edit and Budget Check process (GL_JEDIT2) for each journal that needs to be edited.  GL_JEDIT2 inherits the process instance of the FSPCCURR process that invoked it, but there is no process scheduler request record for it to update, so the trigger technique described above does not work.

A different approach, specific to GL_JEDIT2 is required.  The first thing GL_JEDIT2 does is write the current process instance number onto the JRNL_LN records it is working on.


The update statement may update many rows, but I only want to enable cursor sharing once.  Therefore I have created a compound trigger. 

  • The trigger only fires when a statement updates PS_JRN_LN.PROCESS_INSTANCE from a zero to a non-zero value.
  • The after statement section executes once after the update statement completes.  This will contain the logic that checks the setting of module to verify that this is a GL_JEDIT2 process and that the current process instance is a process that is currently executing.  It also enhances the value of the MODULE setting with the process name and instance; thus making it possible to determine which GL_JEDIT2 process was invoked by which parent process.  Finally, it enables cursor sharing for the current session.  However, the after statement section cannot read the data values being updated.
  • Therefore an after row section is needed to collect the process instance.  It fires for each row being updated.  It is as minimal as possible to avoid adding overhead to the update statement.  It copies the updated value of PROCESS_INSTANCE to a global PL/SQL variable, and nothing else.  The variable value can then be read in the after statement section.
  • The dbms_output commands are left over from testing and have been commented out in the final trigger.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2
FOR UPDATE OF process_instance ON ps_jrnl_ln
WHEN (new.process_instance != 0 and old.process_instance = 0)
  l_process_instance INTEGER;
  l_runcntlid VARCHAR2(30);
  l_module VARCHAR2(64);
  l_action VARCHAR2(64);
  l_prcsname VARCHAR2(12);
  l_cursor_sharing CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'ALTER SESSION SET cursor_sharing=FORCE';

    l_process_instance := :new.process_instance;
    IF l_process_instance != 0 THEN
      IF l_module like 'PSAE.GL_JEDIT2.%' THEN --check this session is instrumented as being GL_JEDIT
        --check process instance being set is a running FSPCCURR process
        SELECT prcsname, runcntlid
        INTO l_prcsname, l_runcntlid
        FROM   psprcsrqst
        WHERE  prcsinstance = l_process_instance AND runstatus = '7';
        l_module := regexp_substr(l_module,'PSAE\.GL_JEDIT2\.[0-9]+',1,1)||':'||l_prcsname||':PI='||l_process_instance||':'||l_runcntlid;
        --dbms_output.put_line('set module='||l_module||',action='||l_action);
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_cursor_sharing;
        --dbms_output.put_line('set cursor_sharing');
      END IF;
    END IF;
      --dbms_output.put_line('Cannot find running '||l_prcsname||' process instance '||l_process_instance);
      NULL; --cannot find running process instance number
      --dbms_output.put_line('Other Error:'||sqlerrm);

END gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2;

LLM JSON Output with Instructor RAG and WizardLM-2

Andrejus Baranovski - Mon, 2024-04-29 02:18
With Instructor library you can implement simple RAG without Vector DB or dependencies to other LLM libraries. The key RAG components - good data pre-processing and cleaning, powerful local LLM (such as WizardLM-2, Nous Hermes 2 PRO or Llama3) and Ollama or MLX backend.

Rownum quiz

Jonathan Lewis - Thu, 2024-04-25 11:46

Here’s a silly little puzzle that baffled me for a few moments until I spotted my typing error. It starts with a small table I’d created to hold a few rows, and then deletes most of them. Here’s a statement to create and populate the table:

create table t1 (id number , c1 clob)
lob(c1) store as basicfile text_lob (
        retention disable storage in row

insert into t1 
select  rownum, rpad(rownum,200,'0') 
from    all_objects 
where   rownum <= 1000


Here’s what I meant to type to delete most of the data – followed by the response from SQL*Plus:

SQL> delete from t1 where mod(id,20) != 0;

950 rows deleted.

Here’s what I actually typed, with the response, that gave me a “What?!” moment:

SQL> delete from t1 where mod(rownum,20) != 0;

19 rows deleted.

I don’t think it will take long for you to work out why the result is so different; but I think it’s a nice warning about what can happen if you get a bit casual about using rownum.

Looking for AI? You already have it!

Mathias Magnusson - Tue, 2024-04-23 08:00
These days I meet many people who talk about how they have a project to find an AI-plattform to use on-premises. Using it in the cloud on Autonomous it is pretty obvious that you use one in a handful of AI-services Oracle has at your disposal there. The question is what you should use to build AI-services on the data in your on-prem Oracle database. You don’t need to get anything. This blog post assumes you have an Oracle database […]

Local RAG Explained with Unstructured and LangChain

Andrejus Baranovski - Mon, 2024-04-22 03:01
In this tutorial, I do a code walkthrough and demonstrate how to implement the RAG pipeline using Unstructured, LangChain, and Pydantic for processing invoice data and extracting structured JSON data.


Is it a must to run pupbld.sql as system

Tom Kyte - Mon, 2024-04-22 01:26
Tom, I create databases then I run the catalog.sql and catproc.sql. Sometimes, I donot run pupbld.sql. Users may get warning message but they could login and work. But, My friend says that if pupbld.sql is not run as system then users will get the error messages and they cannot log into the database at all. Is it true. Is it a must to run the pupbld.sql. I could not see in the documentation, whether it is a must. If, it is a must, how I am able to login. Is this being called by anyother script like catalog.sql, catproc.sql. I grepped both the files for pupbld.sql. It does not exist. Please clarify. Regards Ravi
Categories: DBA Blogs

Mixed version dataguard

Tom Kyte - Mon, 2024-04-22 01:26
According Metalink note 785347.1 it seems possible to have a dataguard with primary 11.2 and standby 12.2 or even later but it is really very condensed. Could you please just confirm that 11.2 -> 12.2 is really possible? If so, what about 11.2 -> 19.x ? Or 12.2 -> 19.x ? Of course the idea is to upgrade to a later version with a very short downtime, after having switched to the newer version the old one would be discarded and the dataguard no longer used. Best regards Mauro
Categories: DBA Blogs

How to call rest api which accept x-www-form-urlencoded in PL/SQL procedure in Apex

Tom Kyte - Mon, 2024-04-22 01:26
How to call rest api which accept x-www-form-urlencoded in PL/SQL procedure in Apex I am calling https://api.textlocal.in/docs/sendsms
Categories: DBA Blogs

Error in pl/sql code

Tom Kyte - Mon, 2024-04-22 01:26
When i try to run this code: DECLARE STUDENT_ID NUMBER; BEGIN -- Generate the next value for the sequence SELECT LMS_STUDENT_DETAILS_SEQ.nextval; -- Insert data into LMS_STUDENT_DETAILS table INSERT INTO LMS_STUDENT_DETAILS (STUDENT_ID, STUDENT_NAME, GENDER, DATE_OF_BIRTH, COURSE, CONTACT_NUMBER, DEPARTMENT) VALUES (STUDENT_ID, :P6_STUDENT_NAME, :P6_GENDER, :P6_DOB, :P6_COURSE, :P6_CONTACT_NO, :P6_DEPARTMENT); -- Insert data into LMS_BORROWER table INSERT INTO LMS_BORROWER (BORROWER_ID, ENTITY_OWNER_FK, ENTITY_TYPE) VALUES (LMS_BORROWER_SEQ.nextval, STUDENT_ID, 'STUDENT'); END; I faced this error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 106: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "DECLARE" when expecting one of the following: ( - + case mod new not null <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> continue avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute forall merge time timestamp interval date <a string literal with character set specification> <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe <an alternatively-quoted string literal with character set
Categories: DBA Blogs


Michael Dinh - Sat, 2024-04-20 08:14

Oracle Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Michael Dinh - Fri, 2024-04-19 22:26

Received email from Technical Lead | Senior Manager for the following errors.

Error Description: 0: Invalid pool name ‘oraclePool’ while getting a database connection.
Please check for consistency of the properties files or BPML
Time of Event: 20240419141429
Workflow Id: 88867

First inclination is to check Oracle database parameters (sessions and processes) which wasted time on a wild goose chase.

I am by no mean an expert but Google is your friend.

SI fails to startup with error: “Invalid pool name ‘NewPool_oraclePool’ while getting a database connection. Please check for consistency of the properties files or BPML” (SCI91968)

It puzzle me how a Technical Lead | Senior Manager does not know how to Google.

LMGTFY – Let Me Google That For You for all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.

How to update a user defined database package in production

Tom Kyte - Fri, 2024-04-19 18:26
I have a user defined database package which is used quite heavily. When I need to update the code body, I will get several <code>ORA-04061: existing state of package body "CS.PACKAGE" has been invalidated ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package body "CS.PACKAGE" ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "CS.PACKAGE" ORA-06512: at "CS.PROCEDURE", line 228</code> We are using a connection pool. How do I put the changes into PACKAGE, without getting several of the above errors? I cannot control the use of the package, and it is very heavily used.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Another file system for Linux: bcachefs (2) – multi device file systems

Yann Neuhaus - Thu, 2024-04-18 11:57

In the last post, we’ve looked at the very basics when it comes to bcachefs, a new file system which was added to the Linux kernel starting from version 6.7. While we’ve already seen how easy it is to create a new file system using a single device, encrypt and/or compress it and that check summing of meta data and user data is enabled by default, there is much more you can do with bcachefs. In this post we’ll look at how you can work with a file system that spans multiple devices, which is quite common in today’s infrastructures.

When we looked at the devices available to the system in the last post, it looked like this:

tumbleweed:~ $ lsblk | grep -w "4G"
└─vda3 254:3    0  1.4G  0 part [SWAP]
vdb    254:16   0    4G  0 disk 
vdc    254:32   0    4G  0 disk 
vdd    254:48   0    4G  0 disk 
vde    254:64   0    4G  0 disk 
vdf    254:80   0    4G  0 disk 
vdg    254:96   0    4G  0 disk 

This means we have six unused block devices to play with. Lets start again with the most simple case, one device, one file system:

tumbleweed:~ $ bcachefs format --force /dev/vdb
tumbleweed:~ $ mount /dev/vdb /mnt/dummy/
tumbleweed:~ $ df -h | grep dummy
/dev/vdb        3.7G  2.0M  3.6G   1% /mnt/dummy

Assuming we’re running out of space on that file system and we want to add another device, how does work?

tumbleweed:~ $ bcachefs device add /mnt/dummy/ /dev/vdc
tumbleweed:~ $ df -h | grep dummy
/dev/vdb:/dev/vdc  7.3G  2.0M  7.2G   1% /mnt/dummy

Quite easy, and no separate step required to extend the file system, this was done automatically which is quite nice. You can even go a step further and specify how large the file system should be on the new device (which doesn’t make much sense in this case):

tumbleweed:~ $ bcachefs device add --fs_size=4G /mnt/dummy/ /dev/vdd 
tumbleweed:~ $ df -h | grep mnt
/dev/vdb:/dev/vdc:/dev/vdd   11G  2.0M   11G   1% /mnt/dummy

Let’s remove this configuration and then create a file system with multiple devices right from the beginning:

tumbleweed:~ $ bcachefs format --force /dev/vdb /dev/vdc

Now we formatted two devices at once, which is great, but how can we mount that? This will obviously not work:

tumbleweed:~ $ mount /dev/vdb /dev/vdc /mnt/dummy/
mount: bad usage
Try 'mount --help' for more information.

The syntax is a bit different, so either do it it with “mount”:

tumbleweed:~ $ mount -t bcachefs /dev/vdb:/dev/vdc /mnt/dummy/
tumbleweed:~ $ df -h | grep dummy
/dev/vdb:/dev/vdc  7.3G  2.0M  7.2G   1% /mnt/dummy

… or use the “bcachefs” utility using the same syntax for the list of devices:

tumbleweed:~ $ umount /mnt/dummy 
tumbleweed:~ $ bcachefs mount /dev/vdb:/dev/vdc /mnt/dummy/
tumbleweed:~ $ df -h | grep dummy
/dev/vdb:/dev/vdc  7.3G  2.0M  7.2G   1% /mnt/dummy

What is a bit annoying is, that you need to know which devices you can still add, as you won’t see this in the “lsblk” output”:

tumbleweed:~ $ lsblk | grep -w "4G"
└─vda3 254:3    0  1.4G  0 part [SWAP]
vdb    254:16   0    4G  0 disk /mnt/dummy
vdc    254:32   0    4G  0 disk 
vdd    254:48   0    4G  0 disk 
vde    254:64   0    4G  0 disk 
vdf    254:80   0    4G  0 disk 
vdg    254:96   0    4G  0 disk 

You do see it, however in the “df -h” output:

tumbleweed:~ $ df -h | grep dummy
/dev/vdb:/dev/vdc  7.3G  2.0M  7.2G   1% /mnt/dummy

Another way to get those details is once more to use the “bcachefs” utility:

tumbleweed:~ $ bcachefs fs usage /mnt/dummy/
Filesystem: d6f85f8f-dc12-4e83-8547-6fa8312c8eca
Size:                     7902739968
Used:                       76021760
Online reserved:                   0

Data type       Required/total  Durability    Devices
btree:          1/1             1             [vdb]                1048576
btree:          1/1             1             [vdc]                1048576

(no label) (device 0):           vdb              rw
                                data         buckets    fragmented
  free:                   4256956416           16239
  sb:                        3149824              13        258048
  journal:                  33554432             128
  btree:                     1048576               4
  user:                            0               0
  cached:                          0               0
  parity:                          0               0
  stripe:                          0               0
  need_gc_gens:                    0               0
  need_discard:                    0               0
  capacity:               4294967296           16384

(no label) (device 1):           vdc              rw
                                data         buckets    fragmented
  free:                   4256956416           16239
  sb:                        3149824              13        258048
  journal:                  33554432             128
  btree:                     1048576               4
  user:                            0               0
  cached:                          0               0
  parity:                          0               0
  stripe:                          0               0
  need_gc_gens:                    0               0
  need_discard:                    0               0
  capacity:               4294967296           16384

Note that shrinking a file system on a device is currently not supported, only growing.

In the next post we’ll look at how you can mirror your data across multiple devices.

L’article Another file system for Linux: bcachefs (2) – multi device file systems est apparu en premier sur dbi Blog.


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